A "made-in-48-hours" film by James Button & Paul Marke.
Overworked Council worker Cwnt Jones orders an identical AI assistant to help with his workload. Our silliest film yet...
Created in 48 hours from script to screen by two filmmakers (and a last minute recruitment of a composer, a geologist and statistician!)
“Overworked Council worker Cwnt Jones orders a new personalised AI to help make his life beta…but whoopsie.”
So basically what happened was…Pual and I randomly decided to make a film in 48 hours on our own…the same day. With “no sleep and no help”. What could go wrong?
I decided to whip up a script that attempted to capture my wacky ways and Pual’s rather unique weird sense of humour…and the result is stupidest film we’ve ever made. After the first scene of 33(!) we realised we were maybe in trouble…
But that was when composer James Morris popped round to see how it was going (and to avoid an all-nighter composing music)…and he was dragged into his first film shoot making bum circuit boards, tugging on fishing wire for practical effects and well…all sorts! Quite a fitting 10 year anniversary of working with me on films!
Then the rest of the body doubling (“bend over here Rhys” and “stand on this box and don’t laugh now Helen”) and assistance came in the form of my indispensable unofficial brother and Pual’s brand new official wife. So in the end we no sleep but had plenty of help. Couldn’t have done it without you two…like, obvs. ❤️
Anyway- got to keep making stuff to stay sane so here’s the latest dosage of filmic insanity from us to you. It screened at the Prince Charles cinema earlier this month as part of the Sci-Fi London challenge in the form of a special mention. Now it’s here with a cheeky added polish (score tinkering and a lubbly new colour grade by the lubbly Oscar Gerf). Enjoy this frantic and seriously silly stress fest…
Written, directed, edited & starring: James Button
Director of Photography & visual effects: Paul Marke
Original music, sound mix, boom operator & prop maker: James Morris
Production assistants & body doubles: Helen Marke & Rhys Samuel
Colourist: Oscar Garth
More nonsense coming soon...